On June 27th, BCA-WA-ETHICS II and the Africa Bioethics Network kicked off the training on the "Fundamentals of research ethics" in the presence of over 130 participants from 31 different countries in East, West, Central, and Southern Africa and Europe. The training covered the following themes, counting on the expertise of facilitators from Kenya, Ghana, and Spain:
Module 1: Introduction to Research Ethics
Module 2: Ethical Principles in Research
Module 3: Composition and Functions of review committees
Module 4: Research Design & Ethics
Module 5. Research ethics evaluation
Module 6: Informed Consent
Module 7: Research Involving Vulnerable Populations
Module 8: Research Integrity
Module 9: Post Approval Monitoring
Module 10: Sex and gender considerations in research protocol evaluation
Module 11: Community Engagement Ethics
Module 12: Emerging Issues in Research Ethics
The training spanned the duration of 5 days (17.5 hours).
To access the training materials, kindly visit this link: https://www.bcawaethicsii.com/dissemination